Venue: Jeffrey Room, The Guildhall, St Giles Street, Northampton NN1 1DE
Contact: James Edmunds / Diana Davies, Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitute Members |
Notification of requests from members of the public to address the meeting Any requests to speak on an item on the agenda should be notified to the Chair (c/o the Committee Manager) by 12 noon two working days before the date of the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. |
Chair's Announcements To receive communications from the Chair. |
To confirm the minutes of previous Panel meetings. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that: a) The minutes of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel meeting held on 19 September 2024 be approved. b) The minutes of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel Confirmation Hearing held in public on 23 October 2024 be approved. c) The minutes of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel Confirmation Hearing held in private on 23 October 2024 be approved. |
Neighbourhood Policing (verbal item) Guide time: 12.45 – 1.15 pm Decision: RESOLVED that: the Panel notes the overview of the Northamptonshire Police approach to neighbourhood policing. |
Police, Fire and Crime Plan PDF 110 KB Guide time: 1.15 – 2.15 pm Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that: a) The Panel endorses the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s draft Police, Fire and Crime Plan 2025-30. b) The Panel recommends that the final version of the Police, Fire and Crime Plan 2025-30 includes a ‘plan on a page’ style summary.
Fire and Rescue Authority Finance Update PDF 158 KB Guide time: 2.15 – 2.30 pm Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that: the Panel notes the Fire and Rescue Authority Finance Update. |
Policing Finance Update PDF 163 KB Guide time: 2.30 – 2.45 pm Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that: the Panel notes the Policing Finance Update. |
Police, Fire and Crime Panel Work Programme PDF 131 KB Guide time: 2.45 – 3.15 pm Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that: a) The Panel agrees that its work programme should include the following topics: · The Big Conversation and perceptions of community safety · Support for young people · Recruitment and retention in Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service · Progress with responding to the outcomes of the latest HMICFRS inspection of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service b) The Panel requests to receive a Police, Fire and Crime Plan delivery update at each of its ordinary meetings, giving a high-level update across the whole Plan and a more detailed update on one of the three missions. c) The Panel identifies ‘wicked issue’ style challenges faced by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner as a theme that it would like to cover in its future engagement with the Commissioner. d) The Panel requests to receive half-yearly fire and rescue authority and policing finance updates only in future, at its ordinary meeting in September. e) The Panel agrees to investigate giving individual Panel members a lead role for particular focus areas relevant to its remit. f) The Panel agrees that for future Panel meetings individual Panel members should be able to send to the Panel Secretariat in advance any questions they wish to ask on agenda items. g) The Panel agrees to continue to seek a briefing session for Panel members with the Chief Constable and the Chief Fire Officer as previously requested from the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any items of urgent business being admitted to the agenda. |