Agenda item

Planning application DA 2020 0469 Barby


DA/2020/0469 BARBY Change of use of land to use as a residential gypsy caravan site comprising 5 pitches accommodating a total of 7 caravans, including no more than 5 static caravans/mobile homes, together with additional hardstanding and construction of ancillary amenity building - The Cavans, Barby Lane


The Area Planning Officer outlined the application for 5 pitches to accommodate a total of 7 caravans on a site to the west of Barby Lane. The site had previously been granted planning permission for change of use for one traveller family in 2017. It was considered that the application complied with policy. Members’ attention was drawn to the list of late representations. Since the production of the late representations another representation had been received but this had raised no new issues.


Councillor Rosie Humphreys considered that the application would result in an over doubling of the existing site and highlighted that normally development in open countryside would not be allowed unless it contributed to the local economy or provided an environmental improvement. The Area Planning Officer advised that traveller sites had their own topic specific policies. The Neighbourhood Development Plan pre-dated the Part 2 Local Plan which considered the provision of traveller sites, and a balancing exercise had to be undertaken that had regard to all policies.


Councillor Alan Chantler submitted apologies on behalf of the Parish Council who had not been able to attend. The Parish Council had raised concerns that the application was contrary to the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Councillor Chantler noted that the Part 2 Local Plan had been adopted 18 months ago and a matter of balance was required. The Parish Council had requested additional screening for the site. Although it was not a planning matter, Councillor Chantler noted that he had received complaints about obstructions in the roadway.


Councillor Cecile Irving-Swift highlighted that the police and fire service had produced guidance for gypsy and traveller sites and that the guidance stated that caravans should be more than 6 metres away from each other to prevent fires from spreading. Councillor Irving-Swift raised concerns regarding the lighting from the site as it was in open countryside and could create light pollution. She agreed that it was an overdevelopment of the site.


Further to discussion regarding the screening of the site, the Area Planning Officer advised that this was covered by condition 5 but could be expanded upon if Members felt this was necessary.


Councillor Wendy Randall spoke in favour of the application and noted that it was well screened as she had not realised it was there; Councillor Randall proposed that the application be approved. This proposition failed for lack of a seconder.


The Area Planning Officer advised that with regard to stipulating a 6 metre distance between each van, although this was not a planning reason to refuse the application, an informative note could be added. The drawings showed an indicative distance between the vans only; however, it was a large site and therefore it was expected that this provision could be accommodated.


Councillor Matten proposed that the application be approved, with the condition that each van must be 6 metres apart and that additional screening be added. This was seconded by Councillor Randall and on being put to the meeting was declared lost with 3 voting in favour and 4 against.


The Area Planning Officer pointed out that the site was 80 metres in length and 65 metres wide.


Councillor Irving-Swift considered that one wash-room was not enough and there was a lack of facilities on site. The Area Planning Officer advised that Environmental Health had raised no objections to the application and the provision of washing facilities was outside the remit planning regulations. In addition to this the drawing was indicative only. A condition could be added regarding the siting of the caravans if members felt this was necessary.


Councillor Irving-Swift proposed that the application be refused as it was against the police and fire service’s guidance for good design of gypsy and traveller sites, the proposition failed for lack of a seconder.


Councillor Rupert Frost considered that the design as not in keeping with the Local Plan and the site would have an adverse impact on the character and setting of the village. The Area Planning Officer advised that the site lay some considerable distance from the village and therefore this reason would be difficult to defend at an appeal.


Councillor Peter Matten proposed that the application be approved with the condition that there be 6 metres between each caravan and additional screening all the way around the site. This was seconded by Councillor Wendy Randall and being put to the meeting was declared carried with 6 voting in favour and 2 against.




That the application be approved as set out in the report, subject to the amendment of condition 5 to increase the vegetative screening and that there be 6 metres between each caravan in the interests of fire safety:


5.              The additional static caravans hereby approved shall not be occupied until full details (including planting plans, species, size and proposed numbers/densities) of all proposed hard and soft landscape works, including additional planting to all the boundaries of the site, have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved works shall be implemented as approved and shall be carried out prior to the development, or any phase of the development, being first occupied, or in accordance with a programme approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. If, within a period of five years from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub, they or any tree or shrub planted in replacement for them, are removed, uprooted or destroyed or die (or become in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged or defective) another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation.

10.          The static caravans hereby approved shall sited so as to have a minimum of distance of separation of 6 metres between each static caravan.

Reason: In order to reduce the potential of spreading fire and in the interests of health and safety. 

Having declared an interest in the following item, Councillors Cecile Irving-Swift, Rosie Humphreys and Rupert Frost left the room during consideration of the following item and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


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