Agenda item

Northampton Local Plan Part 2: Proposed Modifications Consultation


The Planning Policy Committee:


a)    Approved the Proposed Main Modifications to the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 for consultation

b)    Approved the Proposed Additional Modifications to the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 for consultation subject to the inclusion of a further additional modification deleting reference from paragraph 13.7 to ‘potential transport links to the north via the route of the former Northampton to Market Harborough Railway’

c)     Approved the Proposed Changes to the Policy Map for consultation

d)    Delegated to the Assistant Director: Growth, Climate and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Built Environment and Rural Affairs, authority to make minor editorial and presentational changes to the consultation documents in their final published form


The Planning Policy and Heritage Manager presented the report which sought approval on the contents of the Proposed Modifications to the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 comprising the Main Modifications, Additional Modifications and changes to the Policies Map as shown in Appendices A, B and C of the report, and their release for public consultation.


In response to questions, the Committee heard that in relation to minimum space standards, evidence-based work was undertaken that looked at 100 residential dwelling planning applications and the Inspector view was that many dwellings fell below nationally described space standards, so it could not be justified in West Northamptonshire. It was explained that the nationally described standards could only be applied if they could be justified at a local level. Policy 3 had been absorbed by Policy 2, and Policy 5 made reference to sustainability. It was explained that the allocation for a railway line between Northampton and Market Harborough still existed on the site and was included in Policy 34 due to possible investigation for use in a future plan review. It was explained that it was not a good time to look to introduce further evidence in respect of minimum space standards as the entire Local Plan process could be set back several stages.


The Committee resolved to write a letter to the Inspector and express their dissatisfaction at the omission of adoption of nationally described space standards and the impact it would have on local residents.




The Planning Policy Committee:


a)    Approved the Proposed Main Modifications to the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 for consultation

b)    Approved the Proposed Additional Modifications to the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 for consultation subject to the inclusion of a further additional modification deleting reference from paragraph 13.7 to ‘potential transport links to the north via the route of the former Northampton to Market Harborough Railway’

c)     Approved the Proposed Changes to the Policy Map for consultation

d)    Delegated to the Assistant Director: Growth, Climate and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Built Environment and Rural Affairs, authority to make minor editorial and presentational changes to the consultation documents in their final published form

Supporting documents: