Committee details

Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

West Northamptonshire Council operates an Overview and Scrutiny function that undertakes a number of roles, including:

a)    Monitoring decisions of the Cabinet;

b)    Advising the Council on forthcoming decisions;

c)    The development and review of policy; and

d)    Call-in of a decision made by the Cabinet but not yet implemented.

The Overview and Scrutiny function will develop a work plan as well as supporting policy development, providing pre-decision scrutiny where appropriate, holding decision-makers to account and exercising the formal call-in of executive decisions to review andy concerns about the making of the decision.

West Northamptonshire Council operates four Overview and Scrutiny Committees, and these are as follows:

-       Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

-       Children, Education and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee

-       Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

-       Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee 

Further details are set out in the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution.


Contact information

Support officer: Tracy Tiff / Richard Woods, Democratic Services.

Postal address:
The Guildhall
St Giles Square

Phone: 01327 322043
