Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Northamptonshire Children’s Trust Annual Review and Annual Report01/10/2024For Determination08/01/2025
T&E Board Update01/10/2024For Determination30/10/2024
Changes to Council Capital Investment Into NCT01/10/2024For Determination30/10/2024
Contract Sum 2024/25 Update – P10 forecast and progress towards delivery of savings16/07/2024For Determination05/03/2025
NCT Sector Led Improvement Partner Update16/07/2024For Determination08/01/2025
25/26 P12 forecast, 2024/25 Contract Sum, MTFP08/05/2024For Determination30/04/2025
Approval of NCT’s Business Plan 2025/26 - 2027/2808/05/2024For Determination08/01/2025
2025/26 Contract Sum, Savings and MTFP08/05/2024For Determination08/01/2025
Contract Sum 2024/25 Update – P6 forecast and progress towards delivery of savings08/05/2024For Determination30/10/2024
Decision to enter an Inter Authority Agreement08/05/2024For Determination30/10/2024