Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Progress Report

Meeting: 29/09/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 6)

6 Internal Audit 2021-22 Update Report pdf icon PDF 384 KB

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RESOLVED: That the report was noted


At the Chairman’s invitation The Chief Internal Auditor presented the report, copies of which had been previously circulated. The committee was advised that the report included a detailed analysis and that so far 84% of the plan had been completed. It was hoped that 95% would be completed by 31 March 2022, information would continue to be brought back to the committee.


Committee members made the following comments.

  • The report had stated that there was a 603 audit days’ shortfall, was the Internal Audit team confident in being able to bring solutions to the next meeting?


The Chief Internal Auditor noted that Internal Audit were working towards potential solutions to bridge the gap.


The Executive Director of Finance noted that a detailed report would be provided and that he would be working with Chief Internal Auditor to complete this.