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Children, Education and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Children, Education and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Information about Children, Education and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee

West Northamptonshire Council operates an Overview and Scrutiny function that undertakes a number of roles, including:

a)    Monitoring decisions of the Cabinet;

b)    Advising the Council on forthcoming decisions;

c)    The development and review of policy; and

d)    Call-in of a decision made by the Cabinet but not yet implemented.

The Overview and Scrutiny function will develop a work plan as well as supporting policy development, providing pre-decision scrutiny where appropriate, holding decision-makers to account and exercising the formal call-in of executive decisions to review andy concerns about the making of the decision.

West Northamptonshire Council operates four Overview and Scrutiny Committees, and these are as follows:

-       Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

-       Children, Education and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee

-       Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

-       Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee 

Further details are set out in the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution.