Agenda item

Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site for purpose-built student accommodation and ground floor/basement retail unit with landscaping and associated works
Debenhams 33 - 39 Drapery Northampton


The Interim Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained further neighbour representations, a proposed amendment to the recommendation and removal of Conditions 16 and 17. The Committee heard that the entire existing building would be demolished; the lack of windows and high ceilings made the building unsuitable for conversion. Waste storage would be provided to the rear of the development and cycle storage to the side, off Swan Lane.  An outside communal terrace would be provided on the 5th floor. Conditions were included to agree to materials used for the external finish. It was advised that a retail unit to the front would provide an active frontage to The Drapery. The proposed development did represent a reduction in retail floor space, but the current market situation and existing large vacant stores in the Town Centre had to be taken into account. It was advised that planning policy supported town centre student accommodation and any harm to the conservation area would be offset by the long-term use of the site. Contributions towards construction training would be made through a Section106 Legal Agreement.


Councillor Stone, in her capacity as Ward Councillor, spoke against the application and voiced concern regarding the demolition of the building and construction of the development and potential empty space. She advised that she had contacted the University who would not be entering into any 3rd party arrangements and questioned the need for more student accommodation in the town centre.


Matthew Pearce, Solicitor on behalf of The Boston Public House, spoke against the application and commented that his clients welcomed the updated recommendation but requested that the application be deferred until sufficient noise mitigation measures were agreed; he advised that his client may challenge any decision reached by the Committee in court but his client was willing to work withas the applicant in respect of a noise assessment.


Paul Scott, the agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the proposed development would breathe new life back into the town centre; the development would be low-carbon and delivered on various policies within the National Planning Policy Framework.


Gordon Beaton, the architect on behalf of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the building as it stood was unsuitable for conversion. He also noted that the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 identified the building as having low significance and that the proposed development would bring additional light and security by way of natural surveillance through having windows to habitable rooms facing Swan Yard.


In response to questions, the Committee heard that the balustrades on the top-floor balcony were proposed to be higher than the standard. Safety measures would be set out in the development’s Safety Management Plan which was secured by a condition. Asbestos removal would be undertaken by a registered process and it was noted that the lease signed by students would prevent students from using their own vehicles. Several noise-mitigating measures would be put in place including double-glazed windows and acoustic trickle vents. It was further noted that Northampton were behind other towns in terms of this type of student accommodation.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to conditions and reasons as set out in the report, Removal of Conditions 16 & 17), the prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure planning obligations as set out in the report, and the granting of delegated powers to Assistant Director of Place & Economy in consultation with the Chair to  approve appropriate noise mitigation measures and conditions as necessary, following receipt of an updated noise impact assessment which shall include an assessment of the noise impact of any lockdown restrictions due to the Covid – 19 pandemic and which shall include an assessment of the Boston Clipper Public House (26 College Street) and appropriate mitigation measures as considered necessary to mitigate impacts of the development in respect of proposed residential amenity and the operation of existing businesses in the locality.

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