Agenda item

Bus Service Improvement Plan


Resolutions; It was agreed that Cabinet


a.    Noted the work undertaken on developing a draft Bus Service Improvement Plan and the outline BSIP in Appendix A;

b.    Agreed delegated authority to the Executive Directors for Place, Economy and Transport and for Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Members with responsibility for Environment, Transport, Highways and Waste and for Finance, to agree the final Bus Service Improvement Plan (in consultation with a cross party working group of up to 6 members) prior to submission to the Department for Transport and publication on the Council’s website by 31 October 2021.

c.    Asked Scrutiny to facilitate the establishment of a task and finish group to input to and review progress on the establishment of the Enhanced Partnership.


Reason for Resolutions


a.    To improve bus services in West Northamptonshire and minimise the risk of any communities losing their bus service;

b.    To facilitate climate and environmental benefits through increasing bus use and the operation of more low emission buses;

c.    To contribute to the implementation of the Northamptonshire Transportation Plan (the Local Transport Plan);

d.    To enable the Council to access the funding being made available by Government to support the National Bus Strategy

e.    To meet the deadlines set by the Department for Transport


Alternative Options




At the Chairman’s invitation Councillor Phil Larratt presented the report, copies of which had been previously circulated. Apologies were given for the report not being completed and as in depth as was wanted.


As discussed at Cabinet in June the implementation of the plan meant forming an enhanced partnership with bus operators, this would be required before any funding could be released. The committee was advised that the plan was a progressive one but at the moment not fully complete. It was hoped that a completed draft would be ready in the next week, the plan would then be revisited. It was advised that a task and finish group of cross party members would be required for this project. The Council had hoped to restore many of the features and routes that had been lost.


Councillors made the following comments.

  • It was advised that there had been a lack of engagement with bus drivers on this plan and concerns had been raised at full council.
  • The Bus Implementation Strategy should be bold and ambitious.
  • It was noted that work should be done in order to reach the Council’s carbon neutral goal.
  • Some villages currently had no bus services and these are essential for rural life.
  • There were private services in place for University transport which could cost up to £200 per term per student.
  • Cabinet was urged to read the CPRE report, it was full of important information pertaining to countryside accessibility.
  • Although a cross party working group had been discussed at the June Cabinet meeting this had still not happened.
  • It was advised that some councillors felt uncomfortable with delegating authority to Cabinet on this issue.
  • Affordability was discussed, specifically bus fees, it was noted that costs had gone up significantly.
  • It was noted that Stagecoach had extended some of their services but there were still serious connectivity issues.
  • It was asked that routes be changed in a timely manner if found to not be working.


Councillor Phil Larratt made the following comments.

  • The value of public transport, especially in rural areas was understood.
  • The gold service buses by Stagecoach were an example of a good bus service.
  • It was noted that Milton Keynes had engaged consultants to help them with the process. WNC could not afford this, so the work had been undertaken by officers.
  • Once the whole plan is available it will be shared, leader from every group will receive a copy.
  • The Bus Back Better initiative would be an opportunity to give back bus services to areas that had lost them.


The Executive Director of Place & Economy noted that this plan would be reviewed every year and informed Cabinet that various park and rides had been discussed.


Councillor Adam Brown suggested an amendment to the recommendations.

Agree delegated authority to the Executive Directors for Place, Economy and Transport and for Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Members with responsibility for Environment, Transport, Highways and Waste and for Finance, to agree the final Bus Service Improvement Plan (in consultation with a cross party working group of up to 6 members) prior to submission to the Department for Transport and publication on the Council’s website by 31 October 2021


Supporting documents: