Agenda item

WNN/2021/0797 - Formation of 5no cycle trails, routes and associated works including car parking, landscaping and ecological enhancements to facilitate the use of former nine hole golf course as a bike park
Former Hardingstone 9 Hole Golf Course, Houghton Hill


The Interim Development Management Team Leader submitted a report to the Committee which sought approval for the formation of 5 cycle trails, routes and associated works including landscaping and ecological enhancements. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained additional representations from a local resident and Northamptonshire Badger Group. It was explained that planning permission was not required for the site’s use as a bike park, only for the formation of the cycle trails. The site falls partly within Hardingstone Conservation Area and is in close proximity to the site of the Battlefield of Northampton, however the Council’s Archaeological Advisor raised no objection to the application, subject to a condition to secure archaeological works.  Car parking would be provided at the car park at Delapre Golf Course on a pre-booked basis; 40 spaces would be available during the week and 60 on weekends and cyclists would also be able to access facilities at the clubhouse. Details around car and cycle parking would be secured by condition. In addition, details of the crossings of the rights of way and a kissing gate style feature at the entrance to footpath KN4 would be secured by condition. Five collection areas would be created and the closest of these to a habitable property was some 26.5m. It was advised that the development would support the use of the site for sport and recreation with associated health, well-being and community benefits and would result in a net increase in biodiversity, with a long-term commitment to habitat enhancement. 


Councillor Roberts, in her capacity as a Ward Councillor for Delapre & Rushmere, spoke against the application and commented that parking details were not agreed at the Council’s recent Cabinet meeting and noted that the Battlefield Trust had raised concerns to the application. Councillor Roberts stated that parking should be in place before development commenced and not before.


Dr Jobs, a local resident, spoke against the application and commented that the application lacked an environmental impact assessment. He stated that the area was prone to waterlogging and could become dangerous for users not following designated cycle tracks. He also raised security concerns due to increased use of the site.


In response to a question, Dr Jobs stated that he had seen red kites, swifts, badgers, great crested newts, buzzards and bats on the site, and that only a desk study had been undertaken.


Perry Thomas, Chair of Hardingstone Parish Council, spoke against the application and voiced concern around parking and the highways impact the proposed development would have on the surrounding area.


Sally Stroman, the agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke for the application and advised that the trails were dictated by the contours of the site and that the proposal was for a multi-use facility accessible by all.  In addition, she commented that the applicant was keen to work with schools and parish councils and that the day to day running of the site would be covered by a management plan.She also noted that full ecological surveys had been undertaken, the construction works would be supervised by an Ecological Clerk of Works and a 30-year habitat management plan would be put in place, which had been welcomed as an exciting opportunity by the Council’s Ecological Advisor .


In response to questions, Alex Millar advised on behalf of the applicant that they had worked with the Golf Club to ensure that spaces would be available for bike park users. The bike park’s address would be listed as the Golf Club to direct users to the car park, the applicant was keen to secure cycle storage at the Golf Club and the Police were happy with this proposal.


In response to questions, the Interim Development Management Team Leader highlighted that the archaeological condition was a pre-commencement condition, and that Members could amend the car parking condition to clarify the number of car parking spaces that should be provided at the Golf Course car park to serve the proposal. 


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report and amendment to Condition 11 to refer to up to 60 car parking spaces.

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