Agenda item

WNN/2021/0508 - Change of Use from Retail (Use Class E) to Takeaway (Sui Generis) and extraction flue
34 - 36 St Giles Street


The Interim Development Management Team Leader submitted a report to the Committee which sought approval for a change of use from retail unit to hot food takeaway and erection of extraction flue. No other external alterations were proposed. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained an additional letter of objection and an amendment to the recommendation. Waste storage was proposed in the basement and a Waste Management Strategy would be secured by condition. It was highlighted that Conservation, Environmental Health and Highways do not object to the application, and that the proposed opening hours had been reduced to midnight during the course of the application


Councillor Stone, in her capacity as a Ward Councillor for Castle, spoke against the application and commented that a fast food shop was not appropriate for St Giles Street and that the Council should be encouraging entrepreneurs to bring new niche retail businesses to the street instead. St Giles Street has a distinctive cultural and feel and concerned about impact of a takeaway on this. 


Yvonne Spence, a local business owner, spoke against the application and commented that there were a number of fast food takeaways in the town already, reviews for existing premises owned by the applicant were average at best, raised concerns about opening hours in the evenings, and additional parking for collections and delivery drivers would cause significant problems on the road.


Julie Teckman, a local resident, spoke against the application and voiced concern around highway issues that could be expected with the addition of delivery drivers parked on the street. She also had concerns that the late-night nature of the business may exacerbate antisocial behaviour in the area. In addition, she advised that there is presently a delicate retail balance on St Giles Street, which is the only street recognised in the town centre for independent retail.


Phil Sneddon, the agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application and commented that his client had 80 stores nationwide with no complaints relating to delivery drivers or antisocial behaviour. The ovens used in the stores were approved by DEFRA for smokeless areas, with the fan internal and approved by Environmental Health.  The immediate area is a mix of commercial and residential with a nearby bar open to 2am and is a cultural location where residents expect to be part of a busy area.  The store’s waste would be stored internally.  A variety of businesses are needed in an area. 


In response to questions, the Committee heard that the applicant had chosen this unit for its size and location on the street and hoped to be part of the community, including employing 12 people from the Northampton area and ensuring the exterior of the property was looked after.  The proposed business is a franchise and not trading in bankruptcy.  Waste would be collected 3-4 times a week by a private company. There was no provision for dining in; take-out only was proposed.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be REFUSED contrary to the officer recommendation for the following reasons: Impact on visual amenity, parking & traffic, noise impact on adjacent residential amenity.The Director of Place and Economy be given delegated authority to agree the wording of the reasons for refusal in consultation with the Chair .


Councillor Connolly left the meeting at this juncture.

Supporting documents: