Agenda item

High Needs Block Deficit Recovery Plan

Chris Kiernan



That Schools Forum members would receive regular reports of progress against the recovery plan.  An update would be emailed to members in March 2022 because the March meeting of Schools Forum had been cancelled.


CK outlined the report which set out the current deficit in the high needs block of the DSG and the proposed recovery plan.  At the previous meeting Schools Forum members had been asked if they wanted regular reports or a specialist sub-group on local authority progress in tackling the deficit.  WNC was accountable to Schools Forum as they voted for the money to support the high needs block.


CK outlined the action plan which comprised 8 elements, each led by an officer.  All would contribute to a reduction in the high needs block, but some were more important than others.  Agreement had already been reached with a number of schools for 100 resource places.  An additional 120 resource places had been agreed but capital was not yet available to fund these.  However, replacing independent provision with places in the state sector would save the most money. WNC would need to borrow money (potentially up to £19m) to fund this and might require help from Schools Forum with repayments.


JL asked when a response was likely to be received from the ESFA regarding disapplication.  WH advised that a query had been sent to the ESFA prior to sending to the minister for review.


DY asked whether CK was assured as to the amount of capital the authority had to fund resource provision in the short term.  CK advised that many of the places could be funded by September 2022 and more by September 2023.  At present £3m of the estimated £6.5-7m required was available.  Positive discussions were currently taking place regarding schools with land – which could significantly reduce the cost of providing a special school.


PF believed that schools that were keen to provide alternative provision might well do a better job than some of the current providers.


KL noted the commitment to resource provision and asked about the admission procedure for securing a place in resource provision, and whether the provision would cover both primary and secondary.  At present it was difficult to secure provision for pupils at the transfer from primary to secondary. CK advised that those with EHCPs would be prioritised.  Places would be allocated based on parental preference and address.  Resource provision was the first step for pupils with a high level of need, who had an EHCP and who could not be in a class of 30, even with support.  There were some pupils currently in special schools who should be in mainstream schools and who might return once additional resource provision was in place.  In WNC there were more parents who wanted their children to be in mainstream schools than there were places – so more of the resource provision places would be offered at secondary level.


Following discussion, it was agreed that the High Needs Block recovery plan would be on the agenda for each meeting – but only if there were changes to report.



That Schools Forum members would receive regular reports of progress against the recovery plan.  An update would be emailed to members in March 2022 because the March meeting of Schools Forum had been cancelled.

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