Agenda item

Revenue Monitoring - Period 9 - Financial Year 2021-22


RESOLVED: Cabinet;

a) Noted the forecast outturn position for 2021-22 and associated risks;

b) Noted the deliverability assessment of West Northamptonshire Council savings requirement for 2021-22 and 2022-23 in Appendix B.

c) Approved the virements set out in section 5.81



To ensure that the Authority complied with its financial regulations.





The Chair invited member of the public, Ms Suzy McClernon to address the committee.

Ms McClernon made the following comments.

  • The need for careful budgeting is understood especially considering past mistakes.
  • Cabinet was reminded that it was important to not be so careful that it could adversely affect the most vulnerable in society.
  • It was queried why council tax had increased by 3.34% in South Northants compared to 2.29% in Northampton, this had then been averaged out, had this been done avoid a democratic referendum?
  • The was a real issue with rural poverty especially the reduction of services which included the £42 green bin collection charge.
  • Social care was failing in Northampton, there was currently a 14 month wait for mental health diagnosis in children’s and over 2 years for adults.
  • There should be a greater support for schools and children’s services.


The Chair advised that WNC do what central government ask of us and that the council tax increase was an average one. There had been various financial legacy issues that WNC have had to work through from the previous authorities. It was noted that more needed to be done locally and nationally to support the care sector and its staff.


Councillor Matt Golby noted that there had been a lot of effort put into the anti-poverty strategy and will be rolled out once approved by council. The Health and Wellbeing Board will receive the strategy.


Councillor Fiona Baker advised that there had been significant work carried out and continuing to happen within SEND support. There was a complete overhaul planned with new measures to be announced soon.


Councillor Adam Brown advised that there was a bus service improvement plan, this was a government scheme to enhance public transport and its use.


Councillor Malcolm Longley noted that many reserves were ringfenced for certain projects.


Following this discussion councillor Longley presented the report copies of which had been previously circulated. It was noted that at the time of the meeting, WNC were 6 weeks away from the year end.


Councillors made the following comments in response to the report.

  • It was noted that 3 of the directorates had come in over budget, with mentioned savings due to vacancies. It was queried whether these vacancies would increase staff and service pressures.
  • It was queried why the pension fund and climate change had not been mentioned, could members have an update?
  • It was noted that there was a delay in discharging residents from hospital. It was suggested this was down to the lack of social workers and carers.
  • What precautions had been put in place regarding the National Insurance increase?
  • The Covid grant was for councillors to use, it was requested if there could be an update on the spend and allocation of this money.
  • The house support fund excluded people who use oil in their homes, will this be amended?



Councillor Malcolm Longley made the following comments.

  • The National Insurance increase was government led.
  • Each directorate would be able to give more information with regards to the vacancies in their areas. 
  • It was advised that the pension fund was in a robust position.
  • With regards to the Covid grant, with Cabinet’s approval, this would move into the next financial year, this had been a slow process.
  • The requested update from the Pension Committee would come from the sub-committee, which hadn’t met yet.


Councillor Adam Brown noted that many rural areas rely on oil as fuel.


RESOLVED: Cabinet.

a) Noted the forecast outturn position for 2021-22 and associated risks.

b) Noted the deliverability assessment of West Northamptonshire Council savings requirement for 2021-22 and 2022-23 in Appendix B.

c) Approved the virements set out in section 5.81


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