Agenda item

Getting Involved with Overview & Scrutiny

Tracy Tiff and James Edmunds


Tracy Tiff and James Edmunds


The O&S work programme is not open to the public but public participation is welcomed.  A survey was sent to the Forums giving an opportunity to put forward issues to be looked at.  There is also the community management system which any member of the public can make suggestions.  There is an opportunity to address the committee but it needs to be an item on the agenda. 

The 3 committees have set work programmes for the year ahead although there is some scope to modify if priorities change.  Suggestions put forward that have a high priority can be incorporated into the work programme.  You can keep in touch though the website, attend meetings and speak if you wish.  One of the main working methods is task and finish review – a process investigating an issue with a view to producing recommendations, if it is not working as should do, what could be done, or confirm it is working as well as it could possibly do.  There is an opportunity to get involved if you have a particular interest or expertise.  This is generally undertaken by a sub-group.

The 3 committees were Place, People and Corporate Committees along with a coordinating group that covered all 3.  The structure can be seen here -

Cllr Chantler urged people to get involved and said if there is anything the Council could do better then we need to take it seriously and look into it.  However, he stated that he knew not everyone had access to the internet and website.

Carl asked how Overview and Scrutiny was publicised and whether decisions made by Full Council and Planning could be scrutinised. 

Tracy responded that things like the Tree Policy currently being undertaken by the Place O&S Committee, , were publicised through Forums and Community Groups, Cllrs in their Wards, website and through word of mouth.  Members of the public will always get a response if they express interest and they were happy to take suggestions.  Carl suggested a flyer in with the Council Tax letter.

James stated that decisions the Council make can be scrutinised if there is an issue arising that will affect a certain area and also retrospectively to ensure the decision is working as it should.  Individual planning is outside the remit of Overview & Scrutiny.  Cllr Chantler added that the channel of communication between elected members and the people they represent was extremely important but it did not always work as it should.  Planning decisions were made approximately 90% by Officers and 10% by Committee.  If anyone thought an application should go to committee, they should contact their local Cllr asking them to pull it in and give the reason why.  Once Planning Committee had made their decision a channel group of Cllrs can call in a decision – this is more difficult with the time limits and should be discussed with the local Cllr.  Designation as a conservation area affected planning decisions.  John stated that it was often difficult to get in contact with the Cllr as not all give a contact number, however, they all had a Council email address.  Your local Cllr can be found through this link Find Councillor - West Northamptonshire Council (  by Ward or post code.