Agenda item

DA/2020/0001 Land to east of Kettering Road, Overstone


Approved subject to various requirements to be set out in the minutes.


Consideration was given to the report detailing the planning applications which had been previously circulated.


DA/2020/0001 Land to East of Kettering Road, Overstone - Outline application for an urban extension consisting of circa 1600 dwellings; works to accommodate a new section of A43 dual carriageway road; up to 5.73ha of commercial land, including: a local centre (use Classes A1/A3/A5/D1), assisted living/residential care home (Class C2), conversion of former agricultural buildings to a community hub (Classes D1/A3) and employment (Classes B1/B2/B8); a new 2-form entry primary school; public open space, including allotments and children’s’ play space; structural landscape planting; and associated infrastructure including drainage features, footway/cycleways and access (part access unreserved for the roundabout access into the site off the A43).        


The Major Projects Officer outlined the proposal for an outline application for an urban extension to land east of Kettering Road, Overstone. All matters were reserved except for details of the access into the site from the A43. The roundabout had been enlarged to provide a single access to the whole development. A commercial area had been included as part of the application as this was a policy requirement. The existing hedgerows would be retained and there was a large gas main that ran through the centre of the site. The total area of green space that was allocated on the site plan was greater than that required by policy. There was a large area of trees to the south of the site, Cow Pasture Spinney, which were protected by a Tree Preservation Order and houses would be built 10 metres away from the trees. There was a designated green wedge between the village and the Sustainable Urban Extension. The Major Projects Officer drew Members’ attention to the supplementary information. Since the agenda had been published, matters relating to the  offsite highway works had been identified: 1,200 dwellings would be built before the works to the spinney roundabout works would take place and these would be secured in the Section 106 agreement and by a Grampian condition; on the A43 roundabout between Holcot Lane and Sywell Road works would be disruptive and therefore they would be carried out by the Council with the Agent providing costs after the first 50 occupants had moved onto the site.


With regard to the overall scheme viability, a provision of 25% affordable housing had been negotiated or 20% affordable housing with a late review mechanism. The recommendation had been revised in order to reflect the changes referred to above.


The Major Projects officer reported that Councillor John Shephard had submitted some queries regarding the application. Firstly, relating to secondary school education and the lack of a sixth form at Northampton School for Boys. Colleagues in Education had advised that funding could not be asked for directly, but the Section 106 agreement would identify the options available.


The process for allocation of school places would follow the secondary school admissions procedure. Places would be allocated on the basis of children in care, siblings at the school and geographic proximity.


The detailed design of the first floor residential accommodation at the local centre, would be a consideration for the reserved matters application.


Councillor Shephard had also enquired about the S106 contribution for health costs, these would be allocated as monies for local health surgeries, and not restricted to Moulton surgery. Regarding concerns relating to traffic noise, Environmental Health were confident that a technical design solution would be found to address this issue as it could be mitigated within the building design and would be considered in the reserved matters application. 


Further to enquiries from Councillor Ken Pritchard, the Major Projects Officer advised that there was no policy requirement for make provision of sports pitches on the site.  Whilst the site did not include new facilities S106 monies had been earmarked to upgrade existing local sports and leisure areas. The existing footprint of the building earmarked for the community centre would need to be extended and S106 monies would be allocated for the extension. Should the build of the senior school not cost £7.63 million, the balance of the allocated monies would go towards affordable housing. And if the school was not built it would negatively affect the affordable housing allocation.


Councillor Rosie Herring queried whether the extra 100 houses would be built at the expense of green space. The Major Projects Officer highlighted that the density of housing was 35 per hectare which for a SUE was relatively low and for a rural locality was about right. A design code had been produced for the site which illustrated the layout of the streets (using West Northamptonshire Councils highways standards). Most dwellings had 2 parking spaces allocated. The 25% affordable housing figure provided included the additional 100 houses earmarked and had been included in the viability scheme.


Councillor Rosie Humphreys raised concerns that there could be B8 industrial use on the mainly residential site. The Major Projects Officer advised that the site was not appropriate for warehouses and the applicant agreed. The Planning Solicitor advised that the height of industrial buildings could be restricted by adding conditions to include a maximum floor area and restricting the height of the building the authority would have to ask the applicant to remove it from the application.


An airport noise assessment had been undertaken assessing aircraft flights over the site from the Sywell Aerodrome and no major impact was reported.  Members were advised that investigation of noise complaints relating to the aerodrome would be the responsibility of the civil aviation authority.


The Major Projects Officer advised that the provision of bungalows would be considered in the reserved matters application. The local plan did not include a specific reference to bungalows but policy H08 referred to types of dwellings


Gary Lees, the agent, addressed the committee.


In response to questions, the agent advised that industrial noise restrictions would be included in the conditions. 


Councillor Stephen Hibbert raised concerns regarding the gas pipeline. The Agent advised that the dangers associated with development in the vicinity of a gas main had been assessed in line with strict rules for development and the design code had included a development framework plan. 


Further to an enquiry from Councillor Rosie Herring regarding the fields to the north of the site, the Agent advised that whilst they were within the control of the applicant, they were required for farming so could not be designated for dog walking. However, the site made ample footpath provision for that purpose.


The application made provision for 3 play areas on the site including one near to the school.


The Senior Manager - Development Management advised that the reserved matters application for the site would be considered by the committee in the future. Further to a request from Councillor Kevin Parker it was duly noted.


Councillor James Hill proposed that the application be approved, this was seconded by Councillor Ken Pritchard and on being put to the meeting was declared carried unanimously. It was therefore




That the Assistant Director for Growth, Climate and Regeneration be granted delegated powers to finalise matters associated with the following and then grant Outline Planning Permission subject to:


1.  The conditions set out in the main report and the update report (and any further amendments to those conditions and deemed necessary) and


2.  The completion of a Planning Obligation under Section 106 of The Town and Country Planning and Compensation Act 1990, as substituted by The Planning and Compensation Act 1991, to secure the following (and any amendments as deemed necessary):


·     Affordable Housing provision, at a rate of 25% for the lifetime of the development OR 20% Affordable Housing Initially plus a review at around 1100 occupations

·     Contributions towards Highways and Transportation Improvements, off-site traffic mitigation measures (to include alterations to the A43 Round Spinney roundabout to be implemented by the applicants via a S.278 Agreement with the Local Highways Authority; and a contributions towards the future dualling of the A43 adjacent to the site and up to and including the Holcot Lane/Sywell Road roundabout); and public transport provision

·     Provision of and/or contributions towards primary and (if required) secondary education

·     Contribution towards the improvement, enhancement or expansion of Library facilities to serve the area

·     Contribution towards the provision of additional Primary Healthcare Services in the locality

·     Provision of an on-site community facility

·     Contribution towards the provision of enhanced off-site formal sports and recreation facilities

·     Provision of on-site open spaces, play areas, allotment/community orchard, and natural informal recreation areas, plus provision for the ongoing management thereof; and

·     Payment of the Council’s monitoring costs necessary to mitigate and manage the impact of the proposed development in accordance with relevant policies and having regard to those matters that would be covered by the Community Infrastructure Levy.

And that the application be approved as set out in the report, subject to the following additional Highways condition (all planning conditions then to be re-ordered/re-numbered as required):


Prior to the occupation of 1,200 dwellings a mitigation scheme to address capacity improvements at the A43 Round Spinney roundabout shall have been submitted to and agreed in writing by Local Planning Authority, and shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. The agreed works shall be undertaken by the applicant as part of a Section 278 Agreement to be entered into with the Local Highways Authority.


         Reason: To accord with Policy N3 of the adopted West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Local Plan (Part 1).

Supporting documents: