Agenda item

West Northamptonshire Enhanced Partnership


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet:

a)    Made the Enhanced Partnership Plan and Enhanced Partnership Scheme, which form Appendices A and B of this report, as proposed in accordance with Section 138G of the Transport Act 2000.

b)    Noted the requirement to develop, consult on and publish a policy for subsidising bus services.

c)    Noted the allocation of additional Government funding to support bus services and the requirement to work with bus operators to co-design a financially sustainable and passenger-focused public transport network, that works for changing travel patterns postpandemic.

d)    Agreed to reimburse bus operators for concessionary travel at 100% of pre-Covid levels until 30 September 2022 and then at 90% of pre-Covid levels until 31 March 2023.

e)    Agree to allocate £50,000 of the resultant projected saving in the concessionary travel budget for 2022/23 to work with operators on a marketing strategy for bus services.



Meeting the Council’s legal duties to consult on and publish a policy on subsidised bus services and to provide West Northamptonshire communities with the best possible level of bus service with post-pandemic travel patterns.





At the Chair’s invitation Councillor Phil Larratt presented the report, copies of which had been previously circulated. Members were advised that the report did not discuss subsidised routes, this would be looked at in more detail going forward. The improvement plan had been considered by Cabinet in October 2021 and had included information of a bid for funding. Members were informed that this bid had been unsuccessful and as such no funding would be awarded through this route. Feedback had been requested. It was advised that significant work had also taken place on the enhanced plan. The council would work with bus services to look at travel changes that had occurred since Covid.


Councillors made the following comments.

  • It was noted that the working group had been essential and had worked well.
  • It was queried whether the council could bring the bus service back into public ownership.
  • Could concessionary tickets be provided for certain groups of people, such as under 18s?
  • It was noted that further conversation was needed about active travel and sustainability.
  • It was noted that members had not been informed of the results of the bid before the press had.  
  • It was understood that the enhanced partnership arrangement needed to remain in place should other funding opportunities become available.
  • Cabinet was reminded that there had been an issue within rural areas, with insufficient public transport options, a strong plan was needed for this.
  • The officer who had worked on this report was acknowledged for their hard work.
  • It was important to keep pushing for better buses in order to meet the council’s net zero pledge.
  • It was queried how much of an impact the council could have on services as the bus operators control when and where to run services.


Councillor Larratt made the following comments in response.


  • It was acknowledged that much work had been done by the officer responsible who had also been working within North Northants Council.
  • It was noted that the ambition was there it was the innovation that was lacking.
  • It was agreed that lack of public transport within rural areas was a problem.
  • It was noted that real time displays for buses in rural areas was important.
  • It was advised that many of the issues presented could be addressed through the partnership scheme.
  • Members were advised to forward any other queries and they would be added to the agenda to discussed.



RESOLVED: That Cabinet;

a)    Made the Enhanced Partnership Plan and Enhanced Partnership Scheme, which form Appendices A and B of this report, as proposed in accordance with Section 138G of the Transport Act 2000.

b)    Noted the requirement to develop, consult on and publish a policy for subsidising bus services.

c)    Noted the allocation of additional Government funding to support bus services and the requirement to work with bus operators to co-design a financially sustainable and passenger-focused public transport network, that works for changing travel patterns post pandemic.

d)    Agreed to reimburse bus operators for concessionary travel at 100% of pre-Covid levels until 30 September 2022 and then at 90% of pre-Covid levels until 31 March 2023.

e)    Agreed to allocate £50,000 of the resultant projected saving in the concessionary travel budget for 2022/23 to work with operators on a marketing strategy for bus services.

Supporting documents: