Agenda item

Changes to provision of NHS dialysis services in Northamptonshire

To consider proposed changes to the provision of renal dialysis services in Northamptonshire by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.


RESOLVED: that the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

a)     Supported the need to relocate the Outpatient Renal Dialysis at Riverside House, Northampton, from its current site.

b)     Recommended that the Cabinet looks into issues arising from the change of use of Riverside House from office space to housing that have affected its continued suitability as a site for Outpatient Renal Dialysis, in order to support effective partnership working.      


The Chair welcomed the General Manager for Renal and Transplant Services and Deputy Head of Nursing from University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.


The Democratic Services Assistant Manager advised that scrutiny of health service provision was part of the remit of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.   This gave the Committee the role of reviewing and scrutinising the planning, provision and operation of health services in West Northamptonshire and powers to make reports and require the provision of information.  A health service provider that proposed to make a substantial variation to a local health service was required to consult with Overview and Scrutiny in the area concerned.  This did not seem to apply in the current case, but the service provider was seeking engagement with the Committee and potential input in shaping the way forward.


The General Manager for Renal and Transplant Services presented the report, highlighting the following points:

·         The University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) was commissioned to deliver out-patient renal dialysis in Lincolnshire, Peterborough, Leicestershire and Rutland, and Northamptonshire. 

·         In Northamptonshire there was one unit in Kettering and one in Northampton, located at Riverside House.

·         The unit at Riverside House had opened in 2014.  The contract with the private provider – Renal Services (UK) Ltd – that operated the two Northamptonshire units was now up for renewal and planning was being done for the future provision of the services.

·         Riverside House was a five storey building: the dialysis unit was located on the ground floor and the other floors had previously held offices.  However, NPH was now redeveloping the other floors for housing.  Renal Services (UK) Ltd had experienced issues connected with the building works.  In light of this and the wider impact of the redevelopment on the suitability of Riverside House as the location for a dialysis unit Renal Services (UK) Ltd was pursuing an opportunity to move provision to an alternative location that would better meet the needs of patients.


The Deputy Head of Nursing went on to provide additional information on the provision of out-patient dialysis as follows: 

·         There were approximately 250 patients receiving out-patient dialysis in Northamptonshire.  They attended appointments three times per week for around four hours each time and often needed transport to and from the unit.  The Northampton unit also provided nocturnal dialysis and training for patients in home dialysis.

·         The redevelopment of Riverside House would involve patients and staff using a shared foyer with residents.  This represented a health risk to patients as well as having security implications for the dialysis unit.

·         There was a 25-year lease on Riverside House, which included one break point in December 2022.

·         The proposed alternative location for the Northampton unit was bigger and would support future service provision.  A planning application relating to the new location was due to be submitted that week.


The Committee considered the report. In response to questions the Deputy Head of Nursing advised that it was not standard practice for out-patient dialysis services to operate from hospital sites due to pressures on space: the existing Kettering unit was not based at Kettering General Hospital.  The Committee sought reassurance about the suitability of the proposed new location for the Northampton unit. The Committee was advised that the site was on a small industrial estate, which was not near residential buildings and was close to an ambulance station.  The location had good transport links.  The site would provide good space for treatment including capacity for likely increases in demand.


Committee members questioned what engagement had taken place with patients and local Healthwatch about future plans; the level of risk to relocating the dialysis unit arising from the need to secure planning approval; and what length of tenure would be sought on the new location with a view to securing best value.  The General Manager for Renal and Transplant Services and Deputy Head of Nursing provided additional information as follows:

·         Future plans had been discussed with existing patients and staff who had responded positively.  Engagement with Healthwatch Northamptonshire was planned.

·         The new site would be leased for 25-years, which was standard and considered to be most appropriate for this service.


Committee members expressed support for the case for relocating the Northampton unit.  It was further suggested that the Committee should highlight to the Cabinet the issues that appeared to have arisen regarding the future use of Riverside House as a location for the dialysis unit as a result of it being redeveloped for housing.  These should be considered and addressed as may be necessary to get best use from Riverside House whilst it remained the location for the Northampton dialysis unit as well as in the interests of partnership working.


RESOLVED: that the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

a)    Supported the need to relocate the Outpatient Renal Dialysis at Riverside House, Northampton, from its current site.

b)    Recommended that the Cabinet looks into issues arising from the change of use of Riverside House from office space to housing that have affected its continued suitability as a site for Outpatient Renal Dialysis, in order to support effective partnership working.     

Supporting documents: