Agenda item

WNN/2022/0104 - Change of use of single dwelling to 4 no. apartments (part retrospective), including top floor rear extension, single storey ground floor rear extension and expansion of basement, with new light well to rear and low level windows to front, additional internal alterations and rear external door. 46 Abington Avenue


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which sought approval for a change of use from single dwelling to 4 apartments including top floor rear extension to provide a bedroom, single storey ground floor rear extension to provide a bedroom and bathroom, expansion of the basement with new lightwell to the rear and low-level windows to the front, internal alterations and a rear external door. The application was part in retrospect as the property was already in use as 4 apartments, understood to have been in such use for a number of years.  The existing application sought to regularise the use and provide improved internal accommodation for occupants. All of the apartments would have access to the rear garden where waste and cycle storage was proposed, and waste would be taken through communal access to the front of the property. All rooms exceeded national minimum space standards. Parking requirements remained the same as existing and the property sat within a sustainable location, close to public transport links and shopping facilities. The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that there was an update to Condition 2 of the report in respect of the correct approved plans.


Councillor Purser, in his capacity as a Ward Member for Abington & Phippsville, spoke against the application and commented that the basement apartment would be very dark, and that the sloping roof in the top floor apartment meant that comfortable living space would be smaller than the plans indicated. He had concerns with waste being brought through the house and highlighted existing issues with parking in the area. Councillor Purser believed the application to be an overdevelopment, despite some desirable qualities.


Sally Stroman, the agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the property had been used as apartments for a number of years; the extensions were proposed to bring the apartments up to the required standard and the change of use to ensure that the apartments complied with planning requirements. Ms Stroman noted that there were no objections from local residents to the application.


In response to questions, Ms Stroman advised that the basement apartment was also partly on the ground floor and that the proposed waste arrangements were the same as they were currently.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the 2nd storey apartment was in accordance with national space standards, even when taking the sloping roof into account.


Members discussed the report.


Councillor Clark proposed and Councillor King seconded that the officer recommendation be approved. The recommendation contained within the report was put to a vote and was carried with 6 votes for and 1 against.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report and amendment to condition 2 (plans condition)


Amended Condition 2:


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: N457-101C, N457-102, N457-001.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to accord with the terms of the planning application.

Supporting documents: