Agenda item

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence support

Rachel Duncan (NDAS)


NDAS are attending the meeting today to facilitate a conversation with the forum, not to provide training. If you do want training, NDAS can support, please contact directly.

Slides shared on screen and information to be shared with forum following meeting. Action: Rachel to share NDAS information.

RD advised DA happens everywhere. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience DA in their lifetime.   SEE IT, SAY IT, SURVIVE IT.


What is Domestic Abuse?
Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violence behaviour.

 (Behaviour one person against another person – aged 16 or over and are personally connected to each other).

·       It is never a one-off – most of the times it escalates and gets more serious.  Positive DA Act came in legislation about a year ago – statutory definition of Domestic Abuse.  Domestic Abuse Act 2021. 

·       Coercive control – defined in the serious crime act, the Domestic Abuse Act includes controlling coercive behaviour.

·       Definition of personally connected – see factsheet 

·       Children as victims of Domestic Abuse in their own right.

Question: Do they have to be living together.  Rachel Duncan confirmed NO.


There is a very limited picture of DA in the LGBTQ Community, although seen to be disproportionally affected and recognise trans people as most highly at risk.
Some studies have been done but produced conflicting findings and do not include non-binary or Trans people.

Last financial year, locally, 3% of NDAS clients identified as LGBTQ – 30% of clients not asked. Massive gap around data and understanding the issues that people are facing.

NDAS run 7 refuges with 2 new flats being opened (dispersed accommodation). Outreach in the community. Drops ins and group work. 


Services – 24 hr helpline. 0300 0120154  


RD advised things are getting complicated – NDAS used to be ‘Northampton Women’s Aid’ and are still members and have a good relationship. However, NDAS disappointed with WA Single Sex Services statement released recently. There is an unfortunate movement at the moment whereby there are some feminist positions that find it difficult to define and operate women only safe spaces.  NDAS clear from the beginning, they offer a service to anybody that suffers DA.  


NDAS Equality and Diversity policy – under review and procedurally reviewing to ensure they are an accessible service for all to be included. Open to forum consultation around procedures and improvement of services.


Open recruitment - .5 fte diversity lead with LGBTQ+ focus.  0.5 diversity lead focussing on Black & Diverse community.



1.    Do you have refuges that can be accessed by non-binary people?
A. Yes.

2.    Is VOICE only for male or female victims, or is that just how it's worded here?

3.    Voice is it just for current or recent abuse or can it be historic? Is there capacity or do you run services outside of work hours?
A.  Voice is a revamp of the Freedom programme – open to historic and more recent abuse. RD advised large waiting lists due to resource.
Services offered virtual and face to face sessions – evening group work is running.

4.    Do your services understand intersex people's needs, alongside trans/non-binary people? 
A. RD advised No – passionate about our services that will be services that all can approach and feel safe and supportive.  Not all the staff within the organisation have that personal experience or k now people to ask the questions or know how to ask the questions.  Staff may not say all the right things at the right time.  NDAS have been in touch with Q Space for training to take further. RD keen for the LGBTQ&A allies to support.

5.    Could you organise specific LGBTQIA listening event?  RD would love to, would like input on how it works. RD would happily organise a focused event.  Action: 16 days – AL/RD – how can AL help and facilitate.