Agenda item

WNN/2022/0397 & WNN/2022/0398 - Listed Building consent and full planning for Demolition of 21-23 Bridge Street (front facade to be retained and repaired where possible) to create 43no affordable Apartments, Offices and Commercial Spaces, complete with bin and cycle storage provisions. Rear of 21-23 Bridge Street


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which sought listed building consent and full planning consent for the demolition of 21-23 Bridge Street to create 43 affordable apartments, offices, and commercial spaces, including cycle and waste storage. The front façade would be retained and repaired where possible. An application to convert the building into a hotel in 2017 was approved, however this consent had since expired. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained an additional neighbour representation, an amendment to the recommendation and amended wording of Condition 27. It was noted that the closure of Bridge Street would require separate consent from the Local Highway Authority. With regards to concerns around night-time noise, it was noted that Environmental Health had raised no objections subject to conditions relating to noise assessments and mitigation measures.


Ian Catlin, the Director of neighbouring NBs nightclub, addressed the Committee and spoke against the application. He voiced concern around the apartment windows and questioned whether they would be fixed closed and advised that the club’s fire exit opened onto Angel Street and that it took deliveries from there; he had concern around its closure.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that windows on the proposed development would be subject to noise mitigation measures. He also advised that the club owners would be consulted on the Highways application to close the road which would be separate matter from the planning application. A construction management plan would also form part of any approval granted and secured by condition.


In response to questions, the Committee were informed that studio apartments were not a predominant feature of the development, and it was noted that there were no apartments at the Bridge Street or Angel Street fronts of the ground floor of the proposed development. All of the units would meet or exceed national space standards.


Members discussed the report and made the following comments:

·       It was important that this long-vacant building be brought back into use, however this was not the most appropriate housing; better single-person accommodation was needed.

·       Prospective residents would be aware that they would be living in close proximity to numerous bars and nightclubs.

·       Generally, the positive aspects of the proposed development outweighed the negatives.


Councillor Clark proposed and Councillor King seconded that the officer recommendation in respect of application WNN/2022/0397 be agreed. The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried with 9 votes for and 1 abstention.


Councillor Connolly proposed and Councillor Clark seconded that the officer recommendation in respect of application WNN/2022/0398 be agreed. The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried with 9 votes for and 1 abstention.






That the application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE as per the Officer recommendation subject to completion of a S106 Agreement to secure the obligations as set out in the report and with an amendment to Condition 27 as detailed in the Addendum.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


Amended Condition 27


No development shall commence until a detailed and updated ecological report incorporating a detailed Bat survey shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Once approved, all mitigation measure within the report shall be implemented in full.


Reason: In the interests of wildlife and nature conservation in accordance with Policy BN2 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy. This is a pre-commencement condition to ensure timely submission of details.


Councillor Z Smith left the room at this juncture, having advised of a predetermination in the following item.

Supporting documents: