Agenda item

WND/2022/0735 Apex Park Phase 3, Zone B, Parsons Road, Daventry, Northamptonshire


Approved subject to conditions.



The Area Planning Officer (West) outlined the application for the reserved matters, application for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, for a warehouse and distribution unit including ancillary offices, landscaping, access, parking and associated infrastructure. Outline planning permission for the site had been approved in 2019 with permission for 4 units.


This application would be for 1 unit, situated within an established industrial estate consisting of large industrial B8 units. Redevelopment of the site, associated parking and HGV and proposed new access. The application included landscaping details, and the adjacent trees, assisted the mitigation of the visual impact on the landscape. 

To maximise the opportunity to let the site the application was for a single unit.


The former building was a large unit which had been demolished.  The proposed development was similar in appearance and design to the former building and would be in keeping with the area.


Provision had been made for access for pedestrians and cyclists to and from the site.


The Local Highway Authority has raised no objections to the proposed layout, access arrangements or parking provision. 


Whilst the previously developed site did not afford much opportunity for biodiversity, additional landscaping would be provided on the site boundary.


The roof was designed with translucent panels to maximise the use of natural light within the warehouse reducing the cost and producing an efficient, sustainable building.


The colour palette for the buildings cladding was consistent with other buildings at Apex Park.


A surface water attenuation basin (swale) and external amenity space was located to the east of the proposed sprinkler tanks and pump house.


In response to Member’s enquiries the Area Planning Officer advised that:


The proposed single unit was smaller than the former building.


A condition had been included in the recommendation to ensure the colour palette for the buildings cladding was approved by the local planning authority.


The height of the proposed unit was 18 metres, in line with the outline application.


Members raised concerns that the net biodiversity gain was disappointing.


The surface water drainage was the subject of conditions submissions under the outline permission and would be addressed prior to commencement of work on site.


Justin Gartland, the applicant, addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application. It was a development on an existing site, a site allocated for use in the local plan and complied with the development plan.


In response to Members questions, the Agent advised that whilst the established site provided limited opportunity to improve biodiversity the business routinely committed to enhanced landscaping measures to maximise biodiversity.


The provision of natural light resulted in a lower impact building to meet the target of Carbon Low.  Photovoltaic Panels (PVP’s) on the roof would require changes to the lighting.  Should the occupier require PVP’s it could be considered. 


It wasn’t anticipated that the occupation and operation of the new unit would see an increase in traffic. A traffic survey was carried out at the outline stage, within the transport assessment, and was considered acceptable.


Councillor David James proposed that Officers’ advice to approve the application be accepted, the proposition was seconded by Councillor Charles Manners and on being put to the meeting was declared carried with 9 voting in favour and 1 abstention.




That the Assistant Director for Planning be given delegated powers to grant permission subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Supporting documents: