Agenda item

WND/2022/0833 Overstone Leys, Overstone Lane, Overstone


Approved subject to conditions.


The Major Projects Officer outlined the application for the reserved matters application for 350 dwellings (phase 10) within the southern part of the Overstone Leys Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE).  The site proposed a total of 92 affordable units which would be 26% of the units, of which 70% will be affordable rent and 30% will be shared ownership.


The outline planning permission had been approved in 2015 for the Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) which comprised of up to 2,000 dwellings, with access, appearance, layout and scale unreserved for the first phase of 200 dwellings and the provision for up to 3.83ha for a local centre.


The application was a resubmission of application WND/2021/0172 which had been refused at the 9 May 2022 Strategic Planning Committee on grounds that concerns regarding potential noise nuisance had not been adequately addressed.


West Northamptonshire Council’s Environmental Health team had reviewed the findings of the independent noise consultant and had concluded that sufficient mitigation measures were in place and were satisfied that Condition 26 could be discharged.


West Northamptonshire Councils Highways Authority considered all matters relating to the highway layout and access had been resolved to the Local Highways Authorities (LHA) satisfaction during consultation for WND/2021/0172. The application was a re-submission of the same plans, and the LHA had no further comments to make.

All objections raised in relation to the development had been resolved.


The Major Projects Officer displayed the road layout plans for a new section of A43 dual carriageway road; location of protected trees and the locality in relation to both the North and South Overstone Leys developments.


Members were advised that the travel plan has previously been reviewed and approved.


In response to Member’s enquiries the Major Projects Officer advised that:


The outline planning permission granted in 2015 (planning application reference DA/2013/0850) had made provision for public open space which was specified on the S106 agreement and approved under the Zone 9 application.  There were two designated play areas, one located central to the overall development and one on the boundary.  The allotments were located tothe south west of the site and complied with the policies for allocation, as set out in the local plan 2013/14.  The S106 remained silent on the matter of transferral to a named company or parish council.  The maintenance of the open spaces would primarily be offered to the parish council, with an associated contribution being made.


One area had been designated for public art.  This would be subject to planning permission and the parish council would be consulted.


A small number of units on the development were not in compliance with national space standards.  The applicants could only be required to increase the size of these units if a condition had been applied to the outline planning permission.


Kath Else, the Agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application and advised that the layout of the development had remained the same since October 2021.  The noise issues raised had been resolved.


In response to Members questions the Agent advised:


The provision of public art would be open for discussions.


The topography of the site required the allotments to be tiered.  A commuted sum had been offered to the parish council for taking ownership of the allotments.  A wider discussion, regarding ownership of all open spaces on the development, was taking place.  The agent advised that an alternative arrangement could be for a management company to take ownership.


It was expected that a site office would be on site in January 2023 and the commencement of work on the scheme was anticipated to begin that year.  The anticipated completion, within approximately 7 years.  There would be a Construction Management Plan in place to regulate the development traffic.


The agent advised that the current requirement was for larger properties and that the purchase of properties for use as houses in multiple occupation would not be encouraged.


Consideration was being given, by the housing providers, for 27.5% affordable housing.


The Chair invited Councillor Shephard, the Ward Member for Moulton to address the Committee, who advised that there had been significant concerns regarding the mitigation of noise, noted that experts had been consulted and had been satisfied with the proposed mitigation measures. 



The Major Projects Officer further advised that West Northamptonshire Council’s Environmental Health team had accepted the mitigation proposed.


Councillor John Shephard proposed the application be approved, the proposition was seconded by Councillor David James and on being put to the meeting was declared carried unanimously.




That the Assistant Director for Planning be given delegated powers to grant permission subject to the conditions set out in the report (and any amendments to those conditions or additional condition as deemed necessary).

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