Agenda item

WNN/2022/0370 Land South of Rowtree Road and West of Windingbrook Lane, Northampton


Approved subject to conditions.



The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and Members’ attention was drawn to the committee updates and that the officers, in consultation with Highway Officers concluded that there were no identifiable benefits to widening the carriageway of the primary road by 800mm in certain locations.  The National Highways had not raised any issues regarding flood risk and drainage in respect of the proposed diversion of a drainage outfall from the M1 motorway. The Environment Agency had supported that element of the proposed drainage scheme.


The phase 2A application would provide up to 1000 dwellings, a mixed use local centre, a site for a primary school and open space.  A surface water drainage scheme and an extension to the primary route of highway to serve Phase 2 and 3 of the development.  A further application was anticipated which would include the final section of the primary route, to join the development. A reserved matters application for 425 dwellings had been submitted for Phase 2 and was with officers for consideration.


The surface water drainage strategy comprised of a series of three attenuation ponds in the northern part of the SUE site which would discharge direct to Wootton Brook.  The ponds would be located outside of the flood zone boundary.


As a result of discussions between the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the Environment Agency, the proposed drainage strategy also included the diversion of an existing drain from the M1 which would discharge to Wootton Brook. The proposed drain being larger in size than the existing drain would provide some additional capacity.


In response to Member’s enquiries the Principal Planning Officer advised that:


The run off from the M1 would be directed to the attenuation ponds and there would be restricted run off to the brook.  Increased rainfall had been considered when assessing the size of drainage ponds and the infrastructure, based on a worst case scenario plus 40%.  Any additional overflow would go to a substantial area of open space.  The existing pipe was directing the run off to a small pond and excess on to the brook, this proposal would just divert the existing drain off.


Parking provision at the local centre was outside the scope of the current application and would be included on a later application.


Localised widening of the road outside the school and local centre had been considered.  There were no technical reasons and no specific benefits to increasing the width of the road by 0.8 metres.  The width of 6.5 metres met with the standards for a bus route and National Highways had accepted. In line with the design code, the provision of 3 metre wide grass verges was consistent for the site.  They would accommodate the parking and aid two way traffic.


National Highways had received the additional information requested and had made no further comment.



Councillor David James proposed the application be approved, the proposition was seconded by Councillor Ken Pritchard and on being put to the meeting was declared carried unanimously.




That the Assistant Director for Planning be given delegated powers to grant permission subject to the conditions set out in the report (and any amendments to those conditions or additional condition as deemed necessary).

Supporting documents: