Agenda item

2023-24 Final Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan


RESOLVED: That Cabinet;

a)    Approved the 2023-24 Budget for West Northamptonshire set out in this report, and recommended the Budget to the Full Council meeting on 22 February 2023, including:

              i.        an estimated net revenue budget of £826.069m (£382.391m excluding Dedicated Schools Grant) as set out in Appendix A.

            ii.        an average Band D Council tax of £1,693.73 for West Northamptonshire Council, which represents an average increase of 4.99%. (2.99% increase in ‘core’ Council Tax and 2% Adult Social Care precept).

           iii.        fees and charges schedule as detailed in Appendix D.

           iv.        dedicated schools grant budget of £443.7m as detailed in Appendix EP.

            v.        the Capital Strategy as set out in section 7 and Appendix F1, and Capital Programme as set out in Appendix F2.

           vi.        the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy set out in Appendix G.

          vii.        the Treasury Management Strategy set out in Appendix J.

         viii.        setting the authorised limits for borrowing as set out in Appendix F1 section 8.13 and 8.14.


b)    Recommended the following to Full Council on 22 February 2023, to ensure that the revenue and capital budget and all associated financial policies can be delivered in a safe and legal manner from 1 April 2023 and also to ensure there is flexibility to manage the overall budget in the year:

              i.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director - Finance to manage any variation in budget prior to the start of 2023-24 as a result of final confirmation of the local government finance settlement, or as a result of unforeseen commitments; in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder.

            ii.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director - Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance to amend the capital programme for 2023-24 going forward so that it accurately reflects issues such as slippage on current year projects that will need to be added to the programme, any amendments made to existing capital programmes, adjustments to accommodate any future use of capital receipts policy and for any other reason where the capital programme needs to be adjusted.

           iii.        To note the use of reserves as summarised in the table contained at paragraph 5.102.

           iv.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director - Finance to employ earmarked reserves for the purposes they were set up for including the release of the risk reserve if required.

            v.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director – Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for finance to release the general contingency fund of £11.1m if required in the year.

           vi.        To note the Executive Director – Finance has delegated authority to amend fees and charges.



c)    For the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG):

              i.        Noted the allocations and planned usage of the DSG for 2023-24.

            ii.        Following consultation with the Schools Forum, delegates authority to the Executive Director - People to determine the DSG 2023-24 schools funding formula, high needs funding arrangements and the Early Years Funding Formula in line with Department for Education guidance.


d)    Considered the Section 25 statement of the Chief Finance Officer detailed in section 8 of the report.

e)    Noted that car parking charges are still in the process of being considered following budget consultation and discussions with local business leaders and other interested  parties. Final charges will be confirmed at the Cabinet meeting.

f)     Noted the consultation feedback on the budget in Appendix H.

g)    Noted the feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in Appendix I.

h)    Following consideration of the budget consultation exercise and ongoing dialogue with local business leaders and other interested stakeholders Cabinet agree to amend the final budget proposals recommended to Council so that the car parking fees and charges tabled at the meeting are adopted in place of the car parking charges contained in the previously published fees and charges schedule.

i)     Cabinet recommend as part of the final budget proposals to full council that free parking be provided for blue badge holders at the Council’s Country Parks.

j)     Following consideration of the budget consultation exercise Cabinet agree to amend the final budget proposals recommended to Council to include the creation of a highways fund of £1m to be funded through re-purposing one off reserves.



To ensure that the Council complies with its Constitution and all other relevant requirements in setting the budget for West Northamptonshire Council.


In relation to the additional resolution relating to car parking charges


Budget consultation on the draft budget proposals identified concerns over the impact of car parking on local businesses, stakeholders and community groups during a time of regeneration in the town. 


Following a series of meetings between the Council and  stakeholders to further understand the impacts,  whilst setting out a principle of not wanting to see any increases,   businesses pointed to the areas which had most impact in retaining footfall, encouraged  dwell time within the centre but had minimal changes in regard to the loss of budget. 


The proposed changes therefore take on board consultation results and have been amended to support the town centre through the next stage of development.


Consultation also identified concerns about the arrangements for the Racecourse car park. The proposed charges have therefore been withdrawn to allow further consideration to be given to this area.


Budget consultation also included a significant number of comments on town centre car parking and Country Parks parking. As a result, the Country Park charges have also been re-considered and amended. This includes the introduction of free parking for blue badge holders at the Council’s country parks.


In relation to the additional resolution relating to highways funding


Following consultation, it is clear that the condition of the highway is of particular concern to residents and stakeholders. Cabinet have taken this into account in framing their final budget recommendations to full council. 

In looking at the current evidence, number of complaints  and condition of the roads it is clear that the winter weather experienced along with several periods of freezing temperatures followed by warmer temperatures has had a particularly damaging impact in regard to the number and size of potholes appearing.


It is therefore proposed that a further £1m be allocated to the highways maintenance budget to be used to prioritise potholes including investigation and possible  investment of machinery that will  improve the productivity and efficiency of the maintenance process.





At the Chair’s invitation Councillor McCord made the following comments on behalf of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

·         Thanks were expressed to all those involved in the scrutiny process and preparation of the report.

·         The process of budget scrutiny needed to be started earlier in the year.

·         Where figures were quoted it would be helpful if narrative could be provided around assumptions.

·         A better communications plan was needed for fees and charges.

·         The removal of parking charges for the Racecourse was welcomed.

·         Concern was expressed about the net zero target of the Council.

·         Care services were the most challenging part of the Council’s budget and operation as they were demand-led services with statutory rights and needs.  Central government should be asked to sort out the problem.


At the Chair’s invitation Councillor Longley presented the report and summarised the salient points.  The budget summary appeared on page 135 of the report.


Councillor Larratt advised that there had been changes to the proposed car parking charges as outlined in the two documents circulated at the meeting and published online.  Charges had been withdrawn for the Racecourse to allow further consultation.  Charges had been amended for Country Parks with free parking for blue badge holders and a Park Run season ticket had been introduced.  This was valid between 08.30 am and 10.30 am (not 08.00 am and 10.00 am as in the report).  An hourly charge was proposed for Country Parks with all day parking reduced to £8.00.  Two hours free parking would be introduced at weekends in Northampton town centre.  The financial impact of these changes would be £282k and the contingency had been reduced by this amount.


Mr Mark Mullen (Northampton Town Centre BID) was invited to address the Cabinet and made the following comments:

·         Northampton Town Centre BID represented over 600 businesses and there was strong opposition to the proposals.  The consultation process needed to be more transparent – the proposals were amongst 144 pages of other proposals. 

·         There were towns within the county with no parking charges.  Given that there was an overhead charge for car parking, other towns should be making a contribution.

·         Council employees were able to benefit from reduced cost parking – why could this not be provided for other businesses too?

·         A graph was available on request from showing that parking charge increases resulted in fewer people visiting Northampton town centre.


Councillors made the following comments:

·         Council tax harmonisation resulted in some residents receiving a reduced service but a higher increase.

·         Country Park charges increasing from a flat rate of £2.20 per day would result in parking on local roads around Daventry Country Park.

·         WNC needed to look at policy and budget consultation and development.  The process should start earlier and work through conflicting issues to obtain buy-in from residents and businesses.

·         Parking needed to be considered holistically.  It was good to have the opportunity to stay and pay for a shorter time in Country Parks.  The proposed introduction of ANPR was positive.  However, charges were inequitable, costing more in Country Parks than Northampton town centre.  The concession for Park Run parking was welcomed.  Could this be extended for open water swimming groups?

·         A statement was read out from Paul Reedman (Naseby Parish Council) expressing concern at the proposal to reduce the 59/60 bus service.  If implemented this would adversely affect the quality of life of those in rural communities.  A petition would be presented to Council requesting reconsideration of the proposal.

·         Budget amendments had been proposed which needed to be taken seriously.

·         How was the upkeep of car parks in Daventry and Towcester funded?

·         Frequency of bin collections in Northampton should be reconsidered.

·         The ongoing sustainability of future WNC budgets was a concern.  Funding for all areas was being reduced to pay for statutory services.  This was not fair or sustainable and the government needed to be lobbied for fairer funding.


Mr Mark Higgs was invited to address the Cabinet and made the following comment:

·         Parking charges were too high which would drive people away from the town and parks.


Councillor Longley made the following comments:

·         The proposed decision to increase parking charges had not been taken lightly.  There were significant pressures in adult care and children’s services which were unlikely to improve.  Difficult decisions had to be taken and any good ideas would be grateful received.

·         Harmonisation was a three year plan agreed at the outset of WNC which had to be carried out.


Councillor Larratt made the following comments:

·         WNC had met with Northampton Town Centre BID to discuss the issues raised.  In terms of staff parking benefits, parking spaces could be bought by local businesses to sell for season ticket holders. 

·         In respect of the proposed three-weekly bin collection, no action would be taken until it had been decided through the waste strategy. 

·         The one hourly charge at Country Parks would help, for example, the lunchtime trade.  The issue of parking on local roads to avoid charges needed to be monitored.   Discussion regarding open swimming parking permits would be welcomed.

·         A consultant was looking at how WNC could best support bus routes.  A bus working group would meet once the report had been received.

·         A change was proposed to the recommendations for highways, adding £1m to the highways maintenance budget to prioritise high quality repair of potholes.  This was in addition to funds already included.



RESOLVED: That Cabinet;

a)    Approved the 2023-24 Budget for West Northamptonshire set out in this report, and recommended the Budget to the Full Council meeting on 22 February 2023, including:

              i.        an estimated net revenue budget of £826.069m (£382.391m excluding Dedicated Schools Grant) as set out in Appendix A.

            ii.        an average Band D Council tax of £1,693.73 for West Northamptonshire Council, which represents an average increase of 4.99%. (2.99% increase in ‘core’ Council Tax and 2% Adult Social Care precept).

           iii.        fees and charges schedule as detailed in Appendix D.

           iv.        dedicated schools grant budget of £443.7m as detailed in Appendix EP.

            v.        the Capital Strategy as set out in section 7 and Appendix F1, and Capital Programme as set out in Appendix F2.

           vi.        the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy set out in Appendix G.

          vii.        the Treasury Management Strategy set out in Appendix J.

         viii.        setting the authorised limits for borrowing as set out in Appendix F1 section 8.13 and 8.14.


b)    Recommended the following to Full Council on 22 February 2023, to ensure that the revenue and capital budget and all associated financial policies can be delivered in a safe and legal manner from 1 April 2023 and also to ensure there is flexibility to manage the overall budget in the year:

              i.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director - Finance to manage any variation in budget prior to the start of 2023-24 as a result of final confirmation of the local government finance settlement, or as a result of unforeseen commitments; in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder.

            ii.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director - Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance to amend the capital programme for 2023-24 going forward so that it accurately reflects issues such as slippage on current year projects that will need to be added to the programme, any amendments made to existing capital programmes, adjustments to accommodate any future use of capital receipts policy and for any other reason where the capital programme needs to be adjusted.

           iii.        To note the use of reserves as summarised in the table contained at paragraph 5.102.

           iv.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director - Finance to employ earmarked reserves for the purposes they were set up for including the release of the risk reserve if required.

            v.        To delegate authority to the Executive Director – Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for finance to release the general contingency fund of £11.1m if required in the year.

           vi.        To note the Executive Director – Finance has delegated authority to amend fees and charges.


c)    For the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG):

              i.        Noted the allocations and planned usage of the DSG for 2023-24.

            ii.        Following consultation with the Schools Forum, delegates authority to the Executive Director - People to determine the DSG 2023-24 schools funding formula, high needs funding arrangements and the Early Years Funding Formula in line with Department for Education guidance.


d)    Considered the Section 25 statement of the Chief Finance Officer detailed in section 8 of the report.

e)    Noted that car parking charges are still in the process of being considered following budget consultation and discussions with local business leaders and other interested  parties. Final charges will be confirmed at the Cabinet meeting.

f)     Noted the consultation feedback on the budget in Appendix H.

g)    Noted the feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in Appendix I.

h)    Following consideration of the budget consultation exercise and ongoing dialogue with local business leaders and other interested stakeholders Cabinet agree to amend the final budget proposals recommended to Council so that the car parking fees and charges tabled at the meeting are adopted in place of the car parking charges contained in the previously published fees and charges schedule.

i)     Cabinet recommend as part of the final budget proposals to full council that free parking be provided for blue badge holders at the Council’s Country Parks.

j)     Following consideration of the budget consultation exercise Cabinet agree to amend the final budget proposals recommended to Council to include the creation of a highways fund of £1m to be funded through re-purposing one off reserves.


Supporting documents: