Agenda item

Updates to the Constitution


Councillor Patel presented the report which sought Council’s consideration of the recommendations made by the Democracy and Standards Committee in relation to proposed updates to the Constitution and changes to committees.


Councillor Grant seconded the proposal.


Members discussed the report and made the following comments:

·       Some were not happy with the way the Constitution was being interpreted.

·       Splitting West Northamptonshire into 2, in respect of planning committees, did not make sense. There was also little detail around these proposals.

·       There was concern expressed around the contents of the proposed scrutiny committees.

·       The lack of consultation was disappointing.

·       Task and Finish Groups were important, it was difficult to see how workloads could be managed if their numbers were reduced.

·       The item should be deferred – Members should be able to vote on individual points in the report.

·       The reduction of planning committees from 3 to 2 was a cost-saving exercise – there was not enough work for 3. It was also noted that 2 peer reviews recommended the changes.

·       It was important that Members know the areas that they would be making decisions on.

·       The vast majority of Members would have no input if the recommendations were agreed.

·       Members questioned how long the planning committee trial would last for, and what would happen if the trial was unsuccessful.

·       It was noted that the number of Members would be reduced in the future, and it would be difficult to fill vacancies on 3 planning committees.


Upon requisition of a vote, the recommendations contained within the report were agreed.






a)    Noted and approved the updates to the Constitution as set out in paragraphs 5.2 to 5.8 of the report, to come into effect following the conclusion of the meeting at which they were agreed;

b)    Approved the splitting of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee to create two new Overview and Scrutiny Committees as set out in paragraphs 5.9 to 5.16 of the report and approved the reduction in the number of members appointed to each of the four Scrutiny Committees to 11 per committee.

c)     Noted that the changes set out in recommendation b) would come into effect immediately before the Council’s Annual Meeting on 18th May 2023.

d)    Noted and agreed the recommendation of the Democracy and Standards Committee to abolish the existing three Local Area Planning Committees and the establishment of two new Development Control Committees as set out in paragraph 5.20 of the report, subject to the Committee reviewing the arrangements for the two new Development Control Committees at its next meeting and reporting back to the Annual Meeting of the Council.

e)    Noted the retention of the Strategic Planning Committee and the Planning Policy Committee as currently structured.

f)      Approved the recommendation of the Democracy and Standards Committee that Planning Committees be webcast where the facility is available and that, across all Planning Committees, site visits would be held where there were planning reasons for doing so and would be arranged by Democratic Services with Members accompanied by a Planning Officer on site, as set out in paragraph 5.24 of the report.

g)    Agreed that the Planning Protocol be amended to reflect recommendation f).

h)    Delegated to the Monitoring Officer the power to make these amendments and any consequential amendments that may be necessary.

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