Agenda item

Schools 2020-21 Outturn Report (+ DSG if available)



1.    That Forum noted the reports.

2.    That Forum agreed a control of 10% of budget on uncommitted balances brought forward for maintained schools.


(Beth Baines)




BB introduced the item and highlighted the following points:


Schools Balances Report

·         Individual schools balances for WNC totalled £9.9m at end of 2020/21 (£7.9m 2019/20) across 73 maintained schools.  £4.5m was committed and £4.5m uncommitted.

·         4 schools were in deficit at the end of 2021/22 (also 4 in 2019/20) with a total deficit value of £180k (£80k in 2019/20)

·         Schools Forum decides on maintained school balance control mechanism.  Previous NCC policy was that excess uncommitted balances above 8% would be clawed back.  Proposed that this continues but with an increase to 10% due to Covid and grant funding provided towards the end of 2020/2.  A vote would be needed for this.  JL as the sole maintained schools representative agreed to the increase.

·         Overall maintained schools balances have increased between the end of 2019/20 and 2020-21 by £2m.  Increases in committed revenue of £1.7m and uncommitted revenue of £0.5m with decreases in capital of £0.01m and community focussed grant.

·         Academies report year end position and reserves at year end through their statement of accounts.

·         Academy balances information currently being worked on.  The 21 academies in WNC reported an unrestricted balance of £3.78m. 13 increased unrestricted reserves balances between 2019/20 and 2020/21, one remained the same and 7 decreased.  All except one were within £50k, so not large compared with their budgets.

·         There are 24 academy trusts which cover 326 academies.  Not all of these are in WNC so difficult to compare.  Unrestricted reserves total £40.5m and only two decreased between 2019/20 and 2020/21.

·         4 maintained schools (6%) were in deficit at the end of 2020/21.  The total value increased by £0.1m to £0.18m.  The Authority is working with schools on financial recovery plans.

·         Of 184 schools in WNC, 111 (60%) are academies and 73 are maintained schools.


DSG Outturn

·         There was an overspend of £3.66m which was 0.5% and an unfavourable movement of £40k from the position reported in March 2021.

·         The deficit will be financed by £2.734m planned contribution from the 2020-21 DSG budget and growth fund recoupment refund from 2017-18 and the remaining £32m from 2021-22 High Needs budgets of WNC and NNC.

·         The net position at the end of 2020-21 is an overall DSG surplus of £6.1m.  There is therefore no requirement from the DfE for a deficit recovery plan.

·         Addressing high needs pressures remains the highest priority within the DSG.

·         JL asked whether the long-standing school support and effectiveness budget could be spent in a positive way in the next year to support schools.  This was noted by BB.

·         PF had received complimentary reports from a school Bursar about the support received from the schools financial advisers.

·         In respect of the annual deficit, PF questioned what plans were in place to ensure this did not run out.  BB advised that this would be addressed at the next meeting.

·         CH emphasised that management of budgets and high needs placements was a high priority.  RH suggested that Early Years providers could give an idea of high needs placement numbers, which CH welcomed.




1.    That Schools Forum noted the reports.

2.    That Schools Forum agreed a control of 10% of budget on uncommitted balances brought forward for maintained schools.



Supporting documents: