Agenda item

WNN/2022/1147 - Redevelopment of Bective Works to create 97no dwellings, comprising full and partial demolition of existing buildings; erection of townhouses and apartments; refurbishment and change of use of listed building and other associated works including landscaping and access arrangements at Bective Works, Bective Road, Northampton


APPROVED subject to conditions, including updated Condition 2 contained in the Addendum.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the presentation would cover items 7a and 7b. She then presented the reports which sought planning and Listed Building consent for the redevelopment of Bective Works to create 97 dwellings, comprising full and partial demolition of existing buildings; erection of townhouses and apartments; refurbishment and change of use of listed building and other associated works, including landscaping and access arrangements. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained updates to various conditions and a correction which confirmed that Kingsthorpe Parish Council had objected to the proposal, instead of the no objection cited in the report. Following publication of the report, the Local Lead Flood Authority Officer raised concerns in relation to the agreement of Anglian Water to the proposed connection, the type of surface water drainage strategy, and asked for clarification to markings on the plan. Anglian Water’s comments made no objection to the proposal or connection so this was considered acceptable. It was recommended that an additional condition be imposed to require the submission of a surface water drainage strategy prior to the commencement of development.


Councillor Hawes, in her capacity as a Ward Councillor for Kingsthorpe South, addressed the Committee and spoke in favour of the application. She commented that the site had been an eyesore for a long time and the subject of vandalism and antisocial behaviour. There had been significant local opposition to the previous application for student accommodation; this proposal was more appropriate for the area and the addition of parking was especially beneficial.


In response to questions, Councillor Hawes stated that while all of the additional traffic generated would exit onto Harborough Road, the existing permission did not include any parking provision so would increase the parking demand on surrounding streets. She also advised that Kingsthorpe benefitted from a reliable bus service.


In response to questions to the officer, the Committee heard that there were conditions included which related to surface water verification which would ensure that what was proposed would be implemented. Anglian Water had confirmed that the water systems could handle the proposed wastewater, and it was explained that there were bin stores throughout the proposed development.


Members discussed the reports and made the following comments:

·       Members were pleased that the scheme had local support

·       Members were happy that a “problem” building would be brought back into use.

·       In relation to the Listed Building application, it was important that the town’s heritage be preserved.

·       It was suggested that the developer be asked to have a blue plaque installed to highlight the building’s history.


Councillor Irving-Swift proposed and Councillor Hill seconded that the officer recommendation be agreed. The recommendation contained in the report, including updated conditions in the addendum and additional condition relating to a surface water drainage strategy, was put to a vote and declared carried with 10 votes for.




That the application be APPROVED, subject to conditions, including updated conditions contained in the Addendum and an additional condition relating to the submission of a surface water drainage strategy.

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