Agenda item

WND/2023/0235 - Outline application for construction of 29 dwellings with associated landscaping, open space, vehicular access and parking provision (all matters reserved aside from access). Land off Barby Road, Braunston


The case officer presented the proposal and highlighted the main planning considerations relating to the residential amenities and heritage of the area which was detailed in the addendum. In line with the Local Plan and building regulations policy RA2 (ii) the proposal had been put forward to address the need for both market and affordable housing as identified in the Braunston Housing Needs Survey. The Section 106 contribution would allow for 31% on-site provision and 9% off-site contribution to support the delivery of affordable housing at Maple Close or 40% provision on-site. Following consultations there had been no objections raised. There would be no adverse impact in regard to heritage and the design of the site would be considered in line with the aesthetic of the village.


Councillor Rosie Humphreys, speaking as the local ward member for Braunston and Crick, addressed the North Planning Committee in objection to the application and on behalf of objections received from fellow ward councillors and residents. The concerns related to protecting the heritage and character of the village, and its historic landmarks. They were conscious that the proposal was to meet affordable housing need but there were also several phases of development at Maple Close. There were concerns that large scale development would harm the character of the village in the countryside.


Philip Durham, a local resident, addressed the Committee in objection to the application as he felt there was no requirement for the application meeting housing need with the development at Maple Close, and the report did not take this into consideration. He was concerned the development would compromise the look of the village and expressed concerns regarding the safety of children with the increase in traffic the development would bring.


Gordon Kemp, a representative from Braunston Parish Council, addressed the Committee in objection to the application on the grounds that the need for affordable housing had already been met with the development at Maple Close and as detailed in the Braunston Neighbourhood plan, all developments were to be in line with the character of the village. There had been 54 objections from local residents.


David Jones, the agent for the application, addressed the Committee in support of the application which boasted high quality and environmentally friendly construction and the development aimed to protect the local character and responded to the housing survey which took place in 2021 and dictated that there was a need for a variety of mixed housing with a proportion of bungalows, houses and affordability options with two houses offering shared ownership. There would also be one plot which would allow for a potential buyer to design and build their own home. As part of the section 106 contributions, additional parking would be provided outside the school and footways provided. The development would increase biodiversity in the area and was in accordance with the RA ii) policy.


The case officer responded that the housing scheme at Maple Close did not meet the housing need as the boundary was outside the confines of Braunston village.

Members heard the public addresses, asked questions, and made comments. on the proposed application. Members considered the application, and it was proposed by Councillor Jamie Lane and seconded by Councillor Penelope Flavell that the application WND/2023/0235 be approved as set out in the recommendations. Upon a vote, three members voted in favour and three members abstained from the vote.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions set out in the report and subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure planning obligations in respect of affordable housing provision, travel plan monitoring fee, education contributions and the Council’s monitoring fee with delegated authority given to the Assistant Director Planning and Development to approve an amendment to conditions as deemed necessary.





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