Agenda item

West Northamptonshire Local Plan – Permission to Consult


Councillor Golby presented the report which sought approval to consult on the Regulation 18 Version of the West Northamptonshire Local Plan.


Councillor Chantler seconded the report.


Council debated the report and made the following comments:

·       Thanks were given to officers for their work on the Plan and for putting on the workshops, although they excluded councillors who work during the day.

·       The Council must ensure that younger people and those with housing needs have their voices heard in preparation of the Plan.

·       There was concern that the number of new houses proposed was very modest.

·       After the consultation process, there should be an equalities impact assessment to ensure that the needs of women and girls had been taken fully on board.

·       It was suggested that the Plan be independently reviewed as part of the consultation process.

·       It was concerning that there were no details on the Northwest Relief Road in the Plan.

·       More time was needed to scrutinise every policy in the Plan.

·       Some felt that there had been no meaningful engagement with members or attempts to take on board member input.

·       The Plan did not address any existing issues and did not improve the lot of residents.

·       The Plan afforded protections to rural communities and also highlighted needs in parts of urban areas.

·       Access to schools, doctors, and other infrastructure was not taken into consideration.

·       Comments made by members regarding resisting development alongside HS2 until it was completed, and the environmental impact had been assessed, had been ignored.

·       It was hoped that all of the views expressed during the debate would also be expressed as part of the formal consultation to ensure that they were properly recorded.






a)    Agreed that the draft West Northamptonshire Local Plan (Appendix A of the report) be issued for public consultation in accordance with the requirements set out in the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement.

b)    Agreed that a call for sites to include sites to meet the needs identified in the West Northamptonshire Council Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (2022-2037) be undertaken as part of the public consultation.

c)     Agreed to delegate to the Head of Planning Policy and Specialist Services authority to make minor editorial and presentational changes to the draft Local Plan and the proposals map prior to the consultation commencing.

Supporting documents: