Agenda item

2023/7939/FULL - Market Walk Shopping Centre, Market Square Northampton, NN1 2DP


Approved subject to conditions.


The Committee considered the application for Change of Use of Existing Building and Structures to a Mixed Use Building Comprising Uses within Use Class E ‘Commercial, Business and Service’ and Sui Generis 'Drinking Establishments and Venues for Live Music Performances and Events' with Ancillary Facilities and External Alterations to the Market Square and Abington Street Elevations Including New Entrances, Fascia’s and Balconies.


The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application, including the showing of plans and photographs to the Committee and summarised the key issues.


Principal Planning Officer referred to the Committee Update (previously circulated). And provided verbal updates relating to late representations and amendments to conditions 13 and 15.


Principal Planning Officer referred to the Committee to the late representation submitted by the Northampton Civic Society.


Principal Planning Officer recommended the application be approved.


Amelia Robson, the Agent, with the Applicant, Paul Wright, in attendance addressed the Committee, in support of the application providing an outline of the vision for the development, the proposed useage of the units within the site and the benefits of the leisure and social community hub for Northampton.


During the course of the Committee, members gave consideration to:

·       The amendment to Condition 12 - submission of a scheme for collection of waste, storage and recycling and to incorporate measures to restrict waste collection on the Market Square

·       The amended condition allowing later opening and the impact of the extended drinking hours.  Consideration was given to the merits of regulating opening hours through a planning condition or a through licencing application and the benefit of aligning them

·       The visual appearance of the building in the historic market square and the impact on the heritage of the building

·       The impact, at night, of the lighting on residents, and the condition that regulated the hours

·       The noise impact, on local residents and during Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday services and the acoustics assessment report which would regulate amplified music

·       The value of provision of an entertainment venue for all ages

·       The sites security provision, the management of antisocial behaviour and the requirement for staff to manage child safety

·       How the construction work would be managed with other construction work being carried out in the area.

·       The exterior build, design and materials proposed

·       Provision of and responsibility for the rubbish bins for customer use


Councillor Gonzalez de Savage proposed the application be approved subject to the amendment of Condition 12.  To incorporate a restriction of waste collection on Market Square within the scheme for collection of waste, storage and recycling measures.  The proposition was seconded by Councillor James and on being put to the meeting was declared carried with 11 voting in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.


In reaching its decision, the Committee considered the officer’s report, presentation, public representations and the Committee updates.



That Permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report and subject to amendment to Condition 12:

·       The applicant to submit a scheme for collection of waste, storage and recycling which should incorporate measures to restrict waste collection on Market Square

Supporting documents: