Agenda item

Review of Arrangements for Planning Committee


Councillor Kilbride presented the report which set out the findings of the review undertaken by the Democracy and Standards Committee in relation to the structure and operation of the Council’s planning committees, and its recommendations to Council.


Councillor Gonzalez De Savage seconded the report.


Council debated the report and made the following comments:

·       Some members did not agree that ward councillors who sat on committees could not call in applications for committee consideration.

·       It was suggested that letters to councillors contain a line detailing the deadline for call-ins.

·       It was suggested that whilst there was still a way to go before the planning service was fit for purpose, this was a step in the right direction.




Council noted and agreed the proposed changes outlined in the report and at appendix 1 of the report, as recommended by the Democracy and Standards Committee:


a)    Agreed to retain the North, South, Strategic Planning Committee and the Planning Policy Committee as currently structured.

b)    Noted the success of the planning policy workshop meetings undertaken in January and February 2024 and held ancillary to the Planning Policy Committee and endorse such an approach in the future where it is appropriate to do so.

c)     Approved the changes to the Council’s constitution set out below and at Appendix 1 of the report to ensure consistency of decision making by the planning committees, including:

i.                 Clarifying that where an outline/hybrid outline application has been determined by a particular planning committee that subsequent reserved matters or full applications (where they are required to be referred to planning committee) for the same site should be determined by the same planning committee.

ii.                That the constitution be clarified with respect to large scale renewable energy projects, such that all ‘major’ category renewable energy projects are referred to the Strategic Planning Committee.

iii.              That changes be made to the planning protocol regarding the speaking rights of Parish Council representatives, such that on major development proposals a representative from an adjoining Parish be able to speak. That the final wording should state speaking rights be given to:

·       A representative of a Parish Council in whose Parish the application relates.

·       On ‘major’ category applications a representative of an adjoining Parish Council where the Parish Council has commented on the proposal.

iv.              That changes be made to the constitution with respect to the member call-in policy:

·       (i) To allow 24 calendar days (rather than 21 days) for calls-ins to occur following consultation commencing on planning applications.

·       (ii) That call-ins must always involve a planning reason, stated in writing by the Ward Councillor.

·       (iii) That it be stated in the updated call-in policy that all call-in’s will be published on the public facing planning website.

·       (iv) That Councillors be asked to clarify whether they still wish the planning application to come to planning committee once the officer recommendation is known.

v.               Requests that the Assistant Director of Planning review how the call-in policy is administered, to ensure prompt acknowledgment of call-ins and clear clarification be given as to whether a valid call-in has occurred. That this be followed up with training for Councillors.

vi.              That the planning protocol be updated to clarify that when a Councillor has called in a planning application they must withdraw from sitting on the planning committee for the specific item they have called in. They can then speak on the item, but not as member of the planning committee.

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