Committee details

North Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

The North Planning Committee shall deal with planning applications falling within the following wards: Braunston & Crick, Brixworth, Moulton, Long Buckby, Daventry East, Daventry West, Woodford & Weedon, Duston West & St Crispin, Duston East, Dallington Spencer, Abington & Phippsville, Kingsthorpe North, Kingsthorpe South, Boothville & Parklands, Headlands, Talavera, and Billing & Rectory Farm.

The Committee is made up of 11 Members with a quorum of 4, all appointments to the committee shall be made with due regard to the rules on political proportionality.

The functions of the Committee relate to town and country planning and development control as specified in Part A of Schedule 1 of the Local Authorities Functions and Responsibilities (England) Regulations 2000 that do not fall within the remit of the Strategic Planning Committee.

The Committee shall only consider planning applications that are within its remit and not within the remit of the Strategic Planning Committee and / or delegated to Officers, with the exception where the Assistant Director – Planning and Development considers it necessary for an application to be determined by a Planning Committee, having considered public representations and consultee responses or when an application has been called in by a Councillor. Applications that would trigger Committee decision include:

·      Major Developments below the limits set for Strategic Planning Committee;

·      Major residential development of 10 or more dwellings

·      Major commercial development where the floorspace is more than 1000sq.m

·      Development on sites over one hectare (in cases of an outline application where the number of dwellings or floorspace is not specified)

·      Change of use more than 1000sq.m

Minor developments shall only be referred to the North Planning Committee in exceptional circumstances (as determined by the Assistant Director – Planning and Development) or where they are called in by a Councillor in accordance with the procedure set out in the Planning Protocol.

There shall be no referral up of applications from the North or South Planning Committees to the Strategic Planning Committee, and vice versa.

The Assistant Director – Planning and Development after consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, shall be responsible for determining whether an application falls within the remit of Strategic Planning Committee or the North Planning Committee or South Planning Committee.

For information on speaking at the North Planning Committee please contact Ed Bostock, Democratic Services via the following:



Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email:

Postal address:
One Angel Square
Angel Street
