Issue - decisions

Bus Service Improvement Plan

13/10/2021 - Bus Service Improvement Plan

Resolutions; It was agreed that Cabinet


a.    Noted the work undertaken on developing a draft Bus Service Improvement Plan and the outline BSIP in Appendix A;

b.    Agreed delegated authority to the Executive Directors for Place, Economy and Transport and for Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Members with responsibility for Environment, Transport, Highways and Waste and for Finance, to agree the final Bus Service Improvement Plan (in consultation with a cross party working group of up to 6 members) prior to submission to the Department for Transport and publication on the Council’s website by 31 October 2021.

c.    Asked Scrutiny to facilitate the establishment of a task and finish group to input to and review progress on the establishment of the Enhanced Partnership.


Reason for Resolutions


a.    To improve bus services in West Northamptonshire and minimise the risk of any communities losing their bus service;

b.    To facilitate climate and environmental benefits through increasing bus use and the operation of more low emission buses;

c.    To contribute to the implementation of the Northamptonshire Transportation Plan (the Local Transport Plan);

d.    To enable the Council to access the funding being made available by Government to support the National Bus Strategy

e.    To meet the deadlines set by the Department for Transport


Alternative Options

