Issue - decisions

Cottesbrooke Conservation Area

09/11/2021 - Cottesbrooke Conservation Area

RESOLVED: That Cabinet:

a) Endorsed that public consultation be undertaken on the draft Cottesbrooke Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan SPD (appendix A)

b) Endorsed that public consultation be undertaken on Article 4(1) Directions controlling development with regards to:

·         Alteration of windows

·          Alteration of doors

·         Alterations to roofing

·         Alterations to porches

·         Alterations to walls, gates and fences

·         Painting of exterior walls

·         Alterations to chimneys.



To accord with the council’s Consultation and Engagement Framework, the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Section 71 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, which requires local authorities to hold a public meeting to publicise draft proposals within an

appraisal, for the relevant stakeholders of the affected area.



The alternative option would have been not to agree to the public consultation on the draft Cottesbrooke Conservation Area Appraisal and Management as an SPD.